Can China learn lessons from WW2 when the US planed to invade Taiwan, with Japan Defending
Taiwan (ROC) Major Military Bases - Most Originally Built by Japan, but extensively modernized China Maritime Report #42: “Invasion Plans: Operation Causeway & Taiwan’s Defense in World War II” Summary China Maritime Report (CMR) #42, “Invasion Plans” is about Operation CAUSEWAY, the American plan to invade Taiwan during World War II. Ultimately, the invasion was aborted and related documents were sealed in classified vaults or burned to maintain secrecy. Uncertainties have long surrounded how Imperial Japanese forces on Taiwan – then called Formosa – deterred a much-stronger U.S. military, and what planners at the time believed would happen had the operation taken place. What lessons might the past have to teach warfighters in the present day about the future of conflict? By revisiting the history of Taiwan-focused war plans, we may better assess current challenges and develop insights that could inform future strategic, operational, and tactical...